
by Luke Nelson 9/16/2020 For several months I had been seeing what other photographers could do with a slow shutter speed, and I wanted to try my hand at it. Then, one day, as I was scrolling through WordPress, I found a page by a photographer who was journaling her learning experience, and one ofContinue reading “Ghosts”

The Magazine Collection

Luke Nelson After seeing the “Vogue Challenge” circulate on social media, I wanted to try it out for myself. I did about a two hour-long photo session with my little brother, who did various actions like stand or lie down in the sprinklers, go on our trampoline, and play with the hose. I sorted throughContinue reading “The Magazine Collection”

The Dark of the Moon

Luke Nelson One night, a couple of months ago, I noticed that we had a full moon that was much larger than usual, so I switched out my usual camera lens for a much larger one. I stood up on a dining table on my back porch and zoomed in as far as I could,Continue reading “The Dark of the Moon”

Black Water

Luke Nelson I was eating dinner at my friend’s house when he spontaneously decided to go night swimming with his little brother and my little brother. While they were in the water, I realized this would be a perfect opportunity for some great photos, but I didn’t have my camera with me so I hadContinue reading “Black Water”

The Bulb Collection

Luke Nelson The first two photos in this collection were part of a photography class assignment where we were introduced to the “Bulb” setting on our cameras. I went outside, set my camera up on a tripod, and had my mom hold a line of Christmas lights and swing them in a circular motion. IContinue reading “The Bulb Collection”